Affordable housing was the main topic of discussion at the Missouri Workforce Housing Association (MOWHA) Conference, June 26-28, 2019, at the Holiday Inn Executive Center, Columbia, Missouri. The 3-day conference provided several networking events, educational breakout sessions, exhibit hall and panel discussions. “It was an excellent platform for attendees to join with housing partners from across Missouri and to focus on advocacy, collaboration and education. We heard from national keynote speakers and their efforts to positively influence affordable housing policy at the local, state and federal levels,” said MOWHA’s Executive Director, Jeff Smith.
The panel discussions, hosted by MOWHA, were composed of top housing experts from the public, private, and non-profit sectors, including Rosemann & Associates’ Vice President and St. Louis Studio Director Jarrett Cooper, who emphasized the threat posed by the lack of affordable housing and offered ideas on how to advance transformative solutions for housing.
Rosemann & Associates, P.C. also hosted a booth at the conference’s exhibit hall, where its representatives connected with over 325 attendees and provided valuable information about Rosemann’s endeavors to sustain affordable housing across the nation.