Rosemann & Associates welcomes Shaun Miller to our growing team. Shaun joins our Denver office as a licensed Architect in Colorado and previously in Massachusetts with more than 20 years of professional experience ranging from historic single family renovations in Nantucket and the Greater Boston area, and commercial renovations for Harvard and MIT. Shaun has self-renovated an 1845 historic district home, worked in a wood shop, and designed/self-built a mobile “tiny house” using CAD/CAM technology
Project Management experience ranges from affordable to market rate multifamily developments, single family housing, and vernacular housing. Shaun uses his extensive hands on knowledge to work hand-in-hand with Contractors and BIM/hand sketching skills to turn client visions into built form with efficiency, eco-consciousness, and a mentality where every detail matters.
We are happy and fortunate to have Shaun as a part of the Rosemann team!